piątek, 17 czerwca 2011

New templates for Joomla 1.6

With this post I start a some kind of activity. Each week I will present a new ,just released template for Joomla 1.6.
Today let's focus on DJ-Travel - simple template created for Travel & Adventure category. It was designed for websites connected with travels. It's easy to customize, so you can make changes for your own needs.
It uses few non-commercial Joomla 1.6 extensions - DJ-Image-Slider, DJ-Menu and DJ-Like-Box module.

Travel & Adventure category is very popular at this moment. Summer is coming, so that category of templates will be very useful.

czwartek, 16 czerwca 2011

Facebook box at Joomla website

If you want to display your Facebook Fan Box ay your Joomla website, you should try this simple module called DJ-LikeBox. It's very easy to configure, you just need to enter the url address of your fan page. Basic parameters are also simple to set.

This extension was just released and it's completely free. At this address below, you will find more details, live demo and downloadable link:


czwartek, 5 maja 2011

Very attractive Joomla 1.5 template

Design yout company website with JM-Garden-Art template.It can be also use for personal site, for example if you want to show your flowers or garden to everyone.We have a spring and it's good time to start thinking how to design your website, to make it very attractive.This Joomla template uses DJ-Flyer and DJ-Imageslider components that allow to create a stunning displaying effects! Any doubts? I don't think so.

poniedziałek, 4 kwietnia 2011

Do you know that ... ?

Do you know that Joomla 1.5 and Joomla 1.6 templates have a video presentations on YouTube? If you want to better know all template features or any components,modules etc. the best way is to visit a Joomla-Monster channel and just watch. I think that Joomla-Monst template shop is the first company on the web with their own template presentations. The next interesting thing - they publish new templates very often and in very short time after that these templates have a video on YouTube. OK I don't have time to waste on gossip, visit the channel and see!

środa, 16 marca 2011

Perfect template for a furniture website.

Today I have for you an interesting, elegant template which was today released by Joomla-Monster service.
This is not a totally new product but it was just updated to Joomla 1.6. It suits well for a websites strictly connected with interior or furniture category.
There are so many templates for a new version of Joomla that I can't present them all to you. I always try to choose the best, more functionable and useful in my opinion.

DJ-Furniture for Joomla 1.6

czwartek, 24 lutego 2011

Commercial template for Joomla 1.6

Hello my friends.
I have not been here awhile.But that doesn't mean I am completely lost in news from Joomla world. It's quite the opposite. I got something interesting for you all. Commercial template for 1.6 version of Joomla are already available! Yes! Joomla providers are working very hard and they need to update their products or make brand new templates. Joomla-Monster is first on the market with just updated templates. Under the link below you can find 3 templates:

The good news it's not the end and more templates are coming soon. So please get more familiar with 1.6! I learn it everyday. See ya!

wtorek, 18 stycznia 2011

Free template for Joomla 1.6

Since 2 weeks Joomla 1.6 is officially available.It's difficult to get templates and extensions for a new version of this CMS. One of the Joomla providers decided to release a FREE template for Joomla 1.6 in 2010. It was prepared for a Joomla beta version but of course it works with a final product too. Now I see this template was updated. JM-0013 inprevious version contained few bugs, but they are fixed now.
Also few module position names were replaced with the default ones, provided as default positions in joomla 1.6
As a result we have really good template for Joomla 1.6 totally for free. It's ready to download. Under this link:

poniedziałek, 10 stycznia 2011

Available promotions for templates

 Templates don't need to be expensive. You should check available promotions. Joomla-Monster template shop has prepared many interesting offers. Here are a few of them:

  • Every week they present 3 random templates, which prices are lower of 30%
  • You can get and use discount coupons from facebook or twitter
  • You can buy 2 templates and get the third for free

 For all details and for more promotions click here: http://www.joomla-monster.com/available-promotions.html

piątek, 7 stycznia 2011

Joomla 1.6 coming soon

With the release of Joomla 1.6 RC1,  joomla.org announced the final version. Probable date is 10 January 2011. The developers of joomla-monster.com are already preparing new versions of templates and components. Versions for Joomla 1.6 are going to be published in parallel with templates for 1.5.

Some time ago joomla-monster has already released a template for a 1.6 version. The template is completely free and you can download it here - http://www.joomla-monster.com/free-templates/jm-0013-free-template-for-joomla-1.6.html

środa, 5 stycznia 2011

Free Design-Joomla Extensions

Recently I've found a great site with the extensions (menus,components and modules).They are all completely free and can be used in every Joomla template. Currently the site contains 8 extensions:
  • DJ-Art Gallery
  • DJ-Catalog2
  • DJ-Classifieds
  • DJ-Flyer
  • DJ-ImageSlider
  • DJ-Menu
  • DJ-MultiTreeMenu  
Site with extensions is available under this link - http://dj-extensions.com/
My personal favorite is DJ-Catalog2 component, which allows to segregate all products in a thematic categories, assigning photos or pics and other attachments to them.
Link to DJ-Catalog2 - http://dj-extensions.com/extensions/dj-catalog2/item/1-free/1-dj-catalog2.html

wtorek, 4 stycznia 2011

JM-Architecture professional template

Joomla-Monster (online shop with joomla templates) has released very attractive product. Template JM-Architecture for Joomla 1.5 with few interesting extensions:
  • DJ-MultiTreeMenu - menu module
  • DJ-Image Tabber module
  • DJ-TabGenerator component

Template is available under this link: