piątek, 18 grudnia 2015

IDEAL payment plugin for DJ-Classifieds

 We have added a new payment plugin for Joomla ads extension : Ideal/Mollie.

It's the 12th Payment plugin for DJ-Classifieds released already.

You can navigate and see all DJ-Classifieds integrations, app and payment plugins.

wtorek, 15 grudnia 2015

Generate invoices with DJ-Classifieds

We've released new app for DJ-ClassifiedsJoomla classifieds extension.

It integrates DJ-Classifieds with JoomlaThat's Invoice manager extension.

This integration gives the possibility to generate invoice for payments made by ads component for Joomla users.

Invoices can be generated automatically, available to be reviews and downloaded by users.

Read more about the Invoices for ads app.

wtorek, 8 grudnia 2015

New Quickstart for DJ-Classifieds available

We have added a new DJ-Classifieds Quickstart package to download section.

It includes latest DJ-Classifieds Joomla classifieds extension version and JM-Services multipurpose Joomla template!

That is not all - we have also included a new DJ-Classifieds theme - "Clean".

Quickstart package is available for all DJ-Classifieds + Quickstart subscribers and 1 Year bundles with DJ-Classifieds.

piątek, 4 grudnia 2015

Registration plugin for DJ-Classifieds!

We have just released new free plugin for DJ-Classifieds (Joomla ads extension).

With registration plugin can overwrite regular Joomla registration process and allow component's users to fill fields that will be then visible in their DJ-Classifieds profile.

Read the tutorial and see how to use the registration plugin for DJ-Classifieds.