piątek, 4 lipca 2014

DJ-Tabs component update!

We have just released a latest update of DJ-Tabs. Current version is 1.2.1

Like always, an update fixes some errors,brings changes and new features. Some of them are:

  • multicategories in Article Category item type (+ 'max category levels' parameter)
  • possibility of choosing displayed article image: intro image or full article image
  • backend theme color icons (J!3.x only)
  • ! displaying multiple tab groups in one article
  • "youtube" video link support
  • ! fixed playing/pausing YouTube videos automatically

Visit changelog site for a complete list of changes!

DJ-Tabs Joomla 3.x and 2.5 component and module displays content in tabs or accordion layout.
It can displays single article, articles from category and modules.

DJ-Tabs is available here.

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